People with Purpose: Meowtivated by a love of cats

Posted on 28 May 2024

By Greg Thom, journalist, Institute of Community Directors Australia

Jacky and Biscuit

Volunteer cat carer Jacquelyn Balestiero finds adopting friendless felines has enriched her life.

What made you decide to adopt a cat from an animal shelter? 

I moved to Australia almost six years ago and it was a very difficult transition for me.

I had grown up with pets and I've always loved animals. After a few months living in Melbourne, I began considering adopting a pet.

My husband suggested visiting the Cat Protection Society of Victoria and we found Mia, an eight-year-old female tabby.

We decided to adopt her and it was one of the best decisions we have ever made! A few years later, we adopted Biscuit.

Now we have two cats who have added so much joy to our lives.

Why did you become a volunteer with the Cat Protection Society of Victoria?

After I adopted Mia, I started considering other ways I could get involved with the local community.

I am passionate about animal welfare and I had a great experience adopting Mia from the Cat Protection Society. In January 2020, I reached out to see how I could get involved and decided to volunteer.

"Of course, my favourite part of each shift is spending time with the cats, particularly the ones who need a bit more love and attention. "

What are some of your duties as a volunteer?

I volunteer almost every weekend.

My duties include preparing food for the cats in the adoption area, getting the adoption area clean and tidy for the public, washing dishes, doing laundry, folding newspapers, cleaning litter trays, sorting donations and helping the staff.

Of course, my favourite part of each shift is spending time with the cats, particularly the ones who need a bit more love and attention.

If not for working full time, would you like to volunteer your time more?

Absolutely. I would volunteer every day if I could! I am grateful I can volunteer on the weekends when I'm off work.

What difference has volunteering made to your life?

Volunteering has added so much purpose and value to my life.

I am so grateful I found the CPSV and am so proud of the work they do for our cats and community.

I am honoured to volunteer there and spend my free time helping however I can.

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