Saddle up for our state of the sector quiz

Posted on 18 Dec 2023

By Greg Thom, journalist, Institute of Community Directors Australia

Question mark quiz

It’s been a big year in the charity and not-for-profit sector.

From the release of the Productivity Commission's draft report on philanthropy to the lifting of the veil of secrecy over charity investigations, there’s been plenty happening in the not-for-profit sector.

If you think you’ve been paying attention, try your hand at our 2023 sector quiz.

You’ll find the answers to each question hidden in the collapsible drop-down tab at the end.

Good luck!

1. What was the number one concern among young Australians this year, according to Mission Australia’s Youth Survey Report 2023?

2. Which charity CEO was named chair of the revamped Australian Charity and Not-profits Commission (ACNC) advisory board?

3. What was the name of the telemarketing company at the centre of a major cyber security breach that affected more than 70 Australian and New Zealand charities?

4. What is the name of the organisation embroiled in a Federal Court legal battle with the ACNC over changing its charity sub-category status?

Can you name the organisation battling the ACNC in court over it's charity sub-type?

5. Which marathon-running federal minister took out top honours in the "fittest parliamentarian" competition last month?

6. According to the ninth annual ACNC Australian Charities Report, released in June, how much did Australians donate in the 2021 reporting period?

7. What is Measuring What Matters?

8. What action is the federal government taking to improve transparency at the ACNC?

9. What disparaging phrase was used to describe deductible gift recipient (DGR) status in the Productivity Commission's draft report on philanthropy?

10. What is the rate at which not-for-profits and charities are already embracing artificial intelligence (AI), according to this year's annual Digital Technology in the Not-For-Profit Sector report from Infoxchange?

Artificial intelligence AI
The sector has already begun to embrace AI, according to Infoxchange's Digital Technology in the Not-For-Profit Sector report for 2023.

11. Which organisation became the first Australian charity to win the “Best Payroll Giving” category at the Australian Workplace Giving awards this year?

12. What is the name of Plan International Australia's ground-breaking research project that aims to better understand Australians' attitudes to gender equality?

13. What initiative was launched by the Human Rights Legal Centre this year to support those brave enough to speak out against wrongdoing?

14. Which player with AFL club Carlton won an award this year for their outstanding community work?

15. Which peak Australian environmental organisation in October celebrated 10 years of making a difference?

16. Which state launched a scheme in 2023 to (finally) allow charities and community groups to fundraise through recycling?

SIMNA award winner Purpose Evaluations couldn't have done it without this organisation.

17. What record low did Australia record in a major report released by the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute in November?

18. According to the inaugural Commonwealth Bank Australian Charity Trends Report, which type of charity bucked the trend of declining donations to record a 5.1% surge in the past year to now account for one fifth of charitable giving?

19. What could charities soon be exempt from under reforms to electoral donation laws?

20. The Sydney-based organisation For-Purpose Evaluations recently won Australia’s most prestigious award for social impact measurement. What was the organisation it worked with?

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