Sector adds its voice to referendum debate
Posted on 03 Oct 2023
By Greg Thom, journalist, Institute of Community Directors Australia
With less than two weeks to before the referendum, we canvassed a cross section of sector organisations on why they believe an Aboriginal and Torres Islander Voice to Parliament matters.
The purposes that drives charitable, not-for-profit and community sector organisations vary widely, from helping the homeless and advocating for refugees to raising money for medical research or the local footy club.
One issue on which many are in lockstep though, is supporting the Yes case for a Voice to Parliament.
Sector organisations such as the Smith Family, the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, the Brotherhood of St Laurence and the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), to name just a few, have been vocal in their advocacy for the Voice.
Many have gone one step further and joined Allies for Uluru, a coalition of 275 community, non-government and corporate organisations from across the country who have come together to support the implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart starting with the establishment of a First Nations Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution.
In recognition of the commitment of much of the sector to the cause, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has provided guidance for charities who want to advocate for the Voice.
The Community Advocate approached a cross section of for purpose organisations to gauge why they support the Voice and how they are campaigning for the yes case to succeed in the referendum on October 14.