Podcast: The view from the inside

Posted on 22 Jul 2024

By Greg Thom, journalist, Institute of Community Directors Australia

Comm advocate podcasts audio

As an associate commissioner with the Productivity Commission, Krystian Seibert played a key role in the just released report into philanthropy titled Future Foundations for Giving.

Described by Charities Minister Andrew Leigh as a “once in a generation review of philanthropic giving”, the inquiry received more than 700 submissions and Mr Seibert travelled the country speaking to key sector stakeholders in more than 100 meetings.

Mr Seibert is about to begin a new role as Philanthropy Australia’s executive director of policy, government relations and research.

He sat down with the Community Advocate to share his insights on the 468-page philanthropy report and the rationale behind the key findings and recommendations he hopes will help the federal government meet its commitment to doubling philanthropic giving by 2030.

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