How to manage COVID-19 risks at fundraisers and events

Insurance experts Aon have cast their eyes over the issues you’ll need to consider when hosting fundraisers, charity dinners and events.

NFPs and Charities COVID- 19 Changes for Fundraisers, Dinners and Events

Not-for-Profits and charities have been on the front line of the COVID–19 response as the pandemic created a larger need than ever for food, transport, respite care and general community assistance. At the same time one of the vital areas needed by NFPs and charities being fundraisers, charity dinners and events have been restricted due to the introduction of government-enforced safety measures, impacting the income these groups need to run their organisations.

With efforts now being made to reschedule fundraisers, charity dinners and events as COVID –19 restrictions ease, strict guidelines continue to be imposed by federal, state and territory governments, further complicating the situation for NFPs and charities.

Download Aon's list of what to consider for your next fundraiser, dinner or event during the COVID-19 crisis by clicking the image to the right.



This help sheet is just one of the ways the Our Community Group is working to support not-for-profits through the COVID-19 crisis, as part of our major campaign to help the not-for-profit sector to survive, re-invent and sustain.

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