How the Victorian Women's Register works and why you should be on it

The Victorian Women's Register is an online database of women interested in serving on Victorian State Government, community and not-for-profit Boards and Committees.

Women represent half the population in Victoria but continue to be under-represented in public life. While the representation of women on Victorian Government Boards and Committees has increased in the last decade, there is still some way to go before equal representation is achieved.

Women have extensive skills, diverse experience and a range of perspectives that they can bring to public life and shape the future of Victoria.

By putting your profile on the Victorian Women's Register, you will improve your chances of finding a Board or Committee position.

Being on a Board or Committee will enable you to make decisions that may decide the future directions of important Victorian organisations.

The Victorian Women's Register has two main functions:

  • it offers individual women the opportunity to register their details as potential candidates for membership on a Board and Committee
  • it is a tool for government departments, private and not-for-profit organisations to search for suitable women candidates to appoint to their Boards and Committees.

You can register your details and create a 'board profile' on the Register. All you need is an active email address. The operators of the Register will send you email alerts of Board and Committee vacancies and other opportunities, as they arise.

The more details you provide about your skills and expertise, the more chance you will have of being considered as a candidate for Board positions.

  • Visit the
Victorian Women's Register
Call: 03 9918 7340

Information is kept under the Information Privacy Act 2000 provision. It is released to others only after permission has been obtained from each member. You will be required to give this permission when you join the Register.

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