Not-for-profits should get active before the federal election, urges political trailblazer
Posted on 13 Mar 2025
Two years after he completed ICDA’s Diploma of Governance, Raff Ciccone was elected a senator for…
DECEMBER: The change management edition
NOVEMBER: The human resources edition
OCTOBER: The campaign edition – great case studies and more
SEPTEMBER: The innovative funding edition
(No August edition)
JULY: The Community Compass edition - what people really think of NFPs
JUNE: The AGMs edition - we help you to host a great one
MAY: The advocacy edition - start planning your next campaign
APRIL: The risk edition - managing risks for great rewards
MARCH: The fundraising edition - experts reveal how to fire up your fundraising
FEBRUARY: Trends edition - what does 2024 hold for the sector's leaders?
NOVEMBER: The artificial intelligence edition
OCTOBER: The social enterprise edition
SEPTEMBER: The diversity edition
AUGUST: First publication as Community Directors Intelligence, the green edition
JULY: Final edition of Our Community Matters + ethics expertise
JUNE: All the best bits from our Communities in Control conference
MAY: How not-for-profits and charities responded to this year's federal budget
APRIL: Could a robot write your next grant application?
MARCH 21: Upgrade your leadership with us
MARCH 9: Special edition - Why we're supporting the Voice to Parliament
Community Directors Intelligence was Our Community Matters before June 2023. More
DECEMBER: Resources to help you lead better in 2023
NOVEMBER: How not-for-profit leaders can make their decisions count
OCTOBER: Great ways to protect your NFP's data, finances and much more
SEPTEMBER: Climate action, finances, advocacy, fundraising and good deeds!
AUGUST: Become a better leader in four minutes
JUNE: Conference inspiration for NFP leaders, board payment guide
MAY: Great ways to become a better leader, fast!
DECEMBER: What not-for-profits really want for Christmas
NOVEMBER: Inject your NFP with great resources including our vax pack
OCT 28: Conference preview, fundraising, help from top NFP thinkers and more
OCT 1: Surviving financially and mentally during covid-19
AUG: How to tackle the covid-19 funding squeeze
JULY: Why not-for-profits are busier than ever and what to do about it
JUNE: Covid-19 impact study reveals there's work to do to ensure sector survives
MAY: All the best bits from Communities in Control
APRIL: Activate your EOFY fundraising campaign
Most 2020 editions were published as the Save Our Sector bulletin to inform the sector about covid-19 survival strategies. Apologies, but these aren't available online.
Edition 1, Feb: Mythbusters: Seven untruths about
Edition 2, Apr: Five roles every not-for-profit needs
Edition 3, Jun: Communities in
Control - As it happened
Edition 4, Aug: Five ways the census is gold for your community group
Edition 5, Oct: How to grow a money tree
Edition 6, Dec: Yes to marriage equality!
Edition 1, Feb: Timeless advice for changing times
Edition 2, Apr: Classification system will offer social change insights
Edition 3, Jun: Social infrastructure a road to opportunity
Edition 4, Aug: Five ways not-for-profits can use Pokémon Go
Edition 5, Oct: Seven rules for work-life balance
Edition 6, Dec: The 12 charitable days of Christmas
Access past copies of Community Directors Intelligence for a trove of valuable content with guidance on every not-for-profit board issue. Free to ICDA members.