Course application - Growing Gender Equity

The Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA) is offering a Diploma of Governance designed for the board members of Australian not-for-profit boards and committees, and the CEOs and other senior staff who work alongside them.

ICDA is an enterprise of Our Community, which has been delivering high-quality, practical governance training and support for the Australian not-for-profit sector for more than two decades.

The ICDA Diploma of Governance began in 2014 as a VET-accredited course aligned to the Australian Qualifications Framework. In 2020, the Australian Skills Quality Authority decided to remove the course from the national curriculum, despite this being the only Diploma-level course specifically designed for the not-for-profit sector. The course is now accredited by ICDA, which is an Our Community enterprise that’s dedicated to meeting the real-world needs of the Australian not-for-profit sector. The fact that the course has its origins in the Australian Qualifications Framework but is now decoupled from it gives students access to the best of both worlds: assurance of the high quality of the course structure and content, without the rigidity or bureaucracy.

For participating in the Growing Gender Equity Through Governance program, you are eligible for a special discount price for the Diploma of Governance.

To be accepted for this course, you must first

  1. Complete the Course Application Statement, which will help us gauge your motivation, interest, academic capacity, and English language skills, as well as your governance, community, business and/or life experience
  2. Have the time and motivation to participate fully and actively in all aspects of the course
  3. Have the ability to engage with all components of the course, including access to a computer with a good internet connection and modern browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc) from the first day of the course
  4. Have a commitment to transferring knowledge gained to a not-for-profit/community organisation

Boards that are more diverse tend to be more effective. Therefore, it stands to reason we want this course to be inclusive, and for our students to reflect the broad spectrum of skills and backgrounds that are found across the Australian community.

If you feel our entry requirements present an unreasonable barrier to entry for you, call us on 03 9320 6805 or email us at We will do our best to accommodate your request and help you achieve your goals.

Diploma of Governance – Course Application

Please select the one main field in which you and/or your organisation works.
What is your main reason for doing this training? *

Background and experience

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About you

Diversity and inclusion are important to us. We collect some demographic information to help us understand who we are reaching with our training, and to help us identify gaps.

We would appreciate if you would provide some personal information below; however, whether you do or do not answer these questions (or how you answer them) will have no bearing on the success of your application.

You should feel free to skip any questions you would prefer not to answer.

For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy

What gender do you identify as? *
What is your age bracket? *
How would you best describe your role in the not-for-profit sector? More than one may apply *
What is the highest level of education you've achieved? *
Do you identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person? *
In which country were you born? *
Which language do you mainly speak at home? (If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often.) *
What cultural background or ethnicity do you most identify with? *
Do you have a long-term health condition or physical disability which affects your participation in activities at work or home? *
Do you have a mental health condition which affects your participation in activities at work or home? *


I hereby confirm that I have: *
Growing Gender Equity Through Governance *

By filling in this form you acknowledge and agree to Our Community's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Please note – Our experience has shown that participants who are currently working with or sitting on a board gain the greatest benefit from this course. If you are not on a board, we encourage you to join one as soon as possible (preferably before your course begins), as this will help you apply the theoretical concepts we cover to real-world contexts.

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