ICDA Scholarships

Hundreds of not-for-profit leaders now have the chance to win a part-scholarship to complete the acclaimed ICDA Diploma of Governance.

While we have offered scholarships in the past for Australia's premier diploma-level governance qualification, currently we are able to offer more opportunities to more individuals across more sectors, providing a leg-up to the most under-represented groups in the country.

$1000 scholarships allow prospective students to apply immediately for any of the following rounds, with decisions made on eligibility within 10 business days of submission.

While applications are rolling – and will remain open throughout the year – places in diploma courses are strictly limited, and scholarships are subject to terms and conditions.

The full cost of the Diploma is $4,500, comprising enrolment, assessment and administration. Scholarship recipients will need to arrange payment of the remaining fee of $3,500.

Note: Scholarships cannot be combined with any special discounts. Only one scholarship can be granted per applicant.

Please feel free to apply for all of the rounds you identify with, where you meet the specific eligibility criteria outlined.

Note: Only one scholarship can be granted per applicant.

Cultural Diversity

It is essential that community boards reflect the communities they seek to serve. The Cultural Diversity round of the ICDA diversity scholarships is for anyone from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse background who wants a leg-up to represent and serve their community.


Improving access to the boardroom for those living with a disability is about more than providing accessible meeting spaces, information and support. The Disability round of the ICDA diversity scholarships has been created to equip those living with a disability with the knowledge and accreditation required to join a community board. Those working in the disability sector, with a mission to improve our communities for those living with disabilities, are also eligible for this scholarship.

First Nations Affairs

First Nations Australians continue to be underrepresented on boards throughout Australia. Our country is worse off when we don't engage those who know it best. The First Nations Affairs round of the ICDA diversity scholarships supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people seeking to gain skills, knowledge and a qualification in governance to join a board, or move into a position of leadership. This round also supports those who works or volunteers with First Nations organisations.

Health and Mental Health

For communities to function at their best, they need to be healthy. Community health organisations play an integral role in ensuring that all in our communities can access health care. The Health and Mental Health round of the ICDA diversity scholarships is for those who work or volunteer for, or alongside, community health organisations and aims to provide the community health sector with the skills, knowledge and connections required to keep our communities healthy.


Our sector is better equipped to improve society if the leadership positions in our organisations are held by a cross-section of those who live within our communities. The LGBTQIA+ round of the ICDA diversity scholarships is aimed at providing leadership opportunities for LGBTQIA+ people.

Leaders and Change Makers

The community sector thrives on fearless advocates and dynamic leaders whose passion for change paves the way for a more compassionate, fair, and sustainable future. While advocacy groups are vital for getting the message across, true impact requires both grassroots energy and strategic knowledge in the boardroom. The Leaders and Change Makers round of the ICDA diversity scholarships supports both passionate advocates and emerging leaders who work or volunteer with organisations driving positive community change. This scholarship empowers individuals to improve governance, drive innovation on boards, and help shape the future of their respective sectors.


While the community sector fares much better than the corporate sector when it comes to gender diversity on boards, there is still a long way to go before we reach parity. We need more women on boards, and more women in leadership positions. The Women round of the ICDA diversity scholarships is for those who identify as women. This round was created to equip women with the skills and knowledge required to get on a board, and move up to a leadership position.


There is great power in embracing diverse leadership that reflects the richness of our community. Organisations need to ensure they are representative of all voices to innovate the decision-making process and improve governance on the board. ICDA’s Neurodiversity round aims to empower neurodivergent people with the knowledge, skills and qualifications in governance necessary to contribute to community organisations.

Rural and regional

The Rural and regional round has been created to provide access to important knowledge, qualifications and connections for those who live outside metropolitan areas. Those who live or work in rural and regional areas are eligible for this round of the ICDA diversity scholarships.


The backbone of effective governance lies in skilled secretaries who ensure transparency, compliance, and smooth board operations. The Secretaries round of the ICDA diversity scholarships is designed for individuals who serve as, or aspire to become, board secretaries - the essential leaders who maintain organisational integrity through precise documentation, procedural excellence, and strategic support. This scholarship empowers secretaries to enhance their governance capabilities, strengthen board effectiveness, and contribute to their organisation's mission with increased confidence and expertise.

Under 30s

Many organisations try to shape the decisions young people make on a daily basis, but many of these organisations fail to interact with the very demographic they are trying to influence. Young people on boards can offer new perspectives and insights into how to communicate with young audiences. As a sector, we need to embrace young people, and let them help us to help them. The Under30s round of the ICDA diversity scholarships is for anyone aged 30 and below seeking to gain skills, knowledge and a qualification in governance to join a board, or move into a position of leadership.

Terms and conditions

The following section details the terms and conditions of diversity scholarships offered towards the Institute of Community Directors' Diploma of Governance.

All applications will be assessed within 10 business days of the date of submission. The number of places is limited and rolling in nature, so please get your application in sooner rather than later.

The full cost of the Diploma of Governance is $4,500, comprising enrolment, assessment and administration. Partial scholarship recipients are liable for the remainder ($3,500).

This fee is payable in full 10 working days before the first day of the course.

If enrolment and fee payment has not been finalised by this time, ICDA reserves the right to re-allocate the scholarship to another applicant.

Applications must be made via the online application system. No mailed, faxed or emailed applications will be accepted. Please read the full details on the applicant site for opening and closing times and dates. Late applications will not be considered under any circumstances, so don't delay.

Please note that previous scholarship recipients are ineligible to apply.

Scholarship recipients need to have read the course snapshot and understand that they will be required to:

  • Have time to watch videos, read course materials and reflect on fundamental governance principles
  • Have the ability to attend and actively participate in all online tutorials and webinars
  • Commit to completing all competency based assessment within twelve months of the first day of the course (you must complete one unit of assessment per month)
  • Commit to transferring the knowledge gained to an organisation once the course is completed.

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